You need a COMFORTER in your life because life is guaranteed to hurt you and you need someone there you know you can lean into, because if you don't have someone to comfort you, you will end up turning to the person who hurt you, to heal.
You need a CONFRONTER in your life, because they will tell you when you're wrong. They will tell you the painful truth when no one else will.
You need a CHALLENGER in your life, because this is the person that loves greatly, listens greatly and lives their life to the fullest. The way they live their life will challenge you to do the same with your life.
You need a CELEBRATOR in your life, because they will make sure that you do not go a day without celebrating your small wins or huge triumphs.
Now, you may have 1 person that can play multiple roles or multiple people who can take up any 1 of these 5 roles, but here's a thought, .... if you have people in your life that are playing non of these 5 roles, then they are taking up valuable space in your life, space that could be given to someone who you most definitely need. 🤔