Gongs for Schools
"If every 8 year old in the world is taught to meditate, we would eliminate violence from the world within one generation"
- Dalai Lama
What is a Gong Bath?
Every Gong Bath is a unique experience, a time just for you, an opportunity to just be.
While laying on the floor, wrapped safely in a blanket, head resting comfortably on a pillow, the body begins to relax and the mind slips into a deep stillness.
The sounds created by the Gong wash over you, enveloping you, creating vibrational ripples. Calming, soothing, vibrational sound. Slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, steadying the breath.
The perfect reset button
Removing stress and anxieties naturally restoring much needed balance to the mind, body and spirit, an opportunity to truly relax.
Gongs need nothing but for you to be receptive in order to fully appreciate their gift. They must be experienced to be understood.

How Sound Works
To understand how sound works we must think of all matter as vibrating, pulsing energy. A rock, a tree, a vegetable, mineral, or human body cell - each has its own distinctive frequency wave patterns.
The whole of the body is an accumulation and expression of frequency wave patterns.
Who you are is not merely one note or tone, everything about you, your organs, thoughts, feelings and emotions have their own frequencies, contributing to the total vibrational essence that is you.
When you are in good health it is thought that you are in balance on every level of your being - vibrating at your optimum level.
However, from time-to-time life gets overwhelming and challenging; with loss, fear, anxiety and stress resulting in ill-health and a lowering of vibrational essence.
When bathed in sound, the body naturally relaxes and begins to rebalance. A well played gong will resonate with all parts of a persons being - mental, physical and spiritual. Raising the lower frequencies to their higher optimum level resulting in harmony and healing.
Gongs By Julia's aim is to equip children and adults alike with techniques and knowledge for a happier, healthier life. Allowing them to thrive in todays diverse world. Building resilience, self esteem and inner strength.
Builds confidence and independence
Improves behaviour and engagement
Improved sleep patterns
Disruptive classroom behaviour lessens
Pupils social relationships and interactions with others significantly improve
Attention span improves with greater focus
Improved behaviour and engagement
Diet improves
Self awareness and self regulation vastly improves - becomes more aware of thought processes and reactions in a present moment
My Programmes
My programme of workshops are called 'Gongs for Schools'.
I offer three programmes for educational settings. These are all age appropriate and can also fit any group size. I supply all mats, blankets and cushions which add comfort and an element of self-soothing to the sessions.
All planning and themes are available on request. If you need any further information please
About this session:
This workshop is for any key stage and group size and focuses on equipping children and young adults with techniques and knowledge for a happier, healthier life. 'Hush' is an immersive experience, where children are led through their own calming and restorative gong bath experience. Enabling them to thrive in todays diverse and busy world. I am able to build resilience , self-esteem and inner strength.
Timings for the Workshop:
FS1/FS2 - 30 minutes
KS1 - 45 minutes
KS2 - 1 hour
KS3/KS4 - 1 hour
I invite the little ones to bring their own cuddly toys to their sessions with me, so they have something grounding and comforting to keep with them for the duration. Also suitable for special education schools and nurseries.
Please get in touch to find out more about costings. Each school's needs and requirements can vary, I'll be very happy to discuss your needs with you.
About this session:
This workshop is for any key stage and group size. This programme focuses on the concept of peacefulness beyond thoughts and feelings. This is a six-week programme that features an empowering Gong Bath experience with each session. Over a usual duration of six weeks we explore mindfulness and self-care techniques to encourage calm and empowerment. With the last session celebrating personal and group achievements made throughout the course. This is when I invite parents and carers to join the younger participants for a last immersive session.
See children soar in confidence, and in their own sense of self-worth. A highlight of this programme is the children learning to sound the gongs for themselves and each other.
'Calm' can take place for six weeks during one half term or for six weeks spaced out over the full school term.
Timings for the Workshop:
FS1/FS2 - 30 minutes
KS1 - 45 minutes
KS2 - 1 hour
KS3/KS4 - 1 hour
I invite the little ones to bring their own cuddly toys to their sessions with me, so they have something grounding and comforting to keep with them for the duration. Also suitable for special education schools and nurseries.
3) 1-2-1 Stillness
About this session:
These are sessions where I work 1-2-1 with children and young adults.I quickly establish a positive working relationship with the child of focus, and we then work through a series of gong related activities and mindfulness practices. I often plan these sessions in liaison with the school's wellbeing officer, teacher and/or parents/carers to ensure all elements of care are taken into consideration. I also include the use of drums and other percussion in these sessions as well as gong immersions. Children can also learn how to sound gongs and create their own environment for self-soothing.
Please feel free to get in touch as each programme can be
tailored to the needs of your individual school!